Uniting Our Community

by Ensuring Equitable Access

to the Arts... 

Living Wages & Inter(National)

Stages For Underrepresented Artists

In Portland, Oregon

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& share in the beauty of Art.

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This Movement is Powered by Community Love.

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Welcome to The Living Garden

a public benefit charity

501(c)(3) non-profit

Creative Sanctuary, Art Gallery

& Multipurpose Art Studio.

Together, we celebrate

the power of art

to inspire positive change

and create

a more inclusive world.


Igniting the Spirit

of Togetherness:

Advocating for Fair & Inclusive

Opportunities in the Arts

Our existence is guided by a profound mission to weave the diverse tapestries of the various Greater Portland Metro communities into a unified mosaic, enriched and vibrant, through an equitable embracing of the arts.

“Uniting Our Communities by Ensuring Equitable Access to the Arts” means we’ve seen the benefit of, and heard the call for, igniting the spirit of togetherness in the Greater Portland Metro communities and we answer this call by advocating for fair and inclusive opportunities in the arts. Our mission symbolizes not merely a gathering of souls, but a harmonious blending of unique stories and dreams. 

At The Living Garden Corp., equity transcends equality's uniformity, blossoming instead into a bespoke nurturing of each individual's artistic flame. We tailor our resources, opportunities, and support with a keen sensitivity, ensuring that every person, irrespective of their starting point, is given the wings to soar equally high. 

This is our pledge, from the ground up, our entire organizations guiding star – to foster a world where every voice finds its unique melody, every hand its own brush, and every heart its sacred home in the boundless realm of art.


to take the next step?

This movement is powered by Love

Whether you’re most comfortable contributing

time to help achieve our advocacy goals

money to help us grow

or energy to support

we need you on our team.

“The Living Garden Corp.


those who add to the beauty.”

— CEG, Founder & President