embodies the mystical energies of the Nine Ether, channeling cosmic vibrations into his hip-hop creations. His lyrics are not just verses; they're transcendental mantras, guiding listeners on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual elevation.

A beacon of enlightenment, 888 stands as a vocal leader for POWER TO THE GOD WITHIN, a collective that advocates tapping into the divine essence within. Through his music, he empowers others to unlock their inner potential and connect with the universal source of power.

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Dr. Malachi Z. York and the charismatic Rev. Ike, 888 fuses ancient wisdom with contemporary beats. His rhymes echo the teachings of these spiritual giants, creating a sonic tapestry that bridges the gap between the earthly and the divine.

Beyond his prowess as an emcee, 888 is a maestro behind the boards, crafting beats that transcend genres. His production credits include collaborations with notable artists like SMOOCIO and Indie108, each track a testament to his ability to meld spiritual vibes with the rhythmic pulse of hip-hop.


  • Music Production

  • Sound Design for Film

Recording Engineer

  • Expert in utilizing Logic Pro for recording audio tracks

  • Proficient in setting up recording equipment

  • Good at troubleshooting studio equipment and software to ensure a smooth recording process

  • Provide technical support and training for clients using Logic Pro


  • Nature artist with a focus on spiritual and inspiration; music

  • provided creative and career guidance to artists, helping them to develop their unique sound and artistic identity.

  • Create a supportive and collaborative environment for artist to explore and express their spiritual journey through music

  • Content/social media Director

  • Music video Director /Editor

  • Music management if requested


  • Compose original lyrics and melodies that express spiritual and inspirational messages

  • Collaborate with artist, producers, and other songwriters to create music that resonates with Spirit

  • Draw from different spiritual traditions and personal experiences to craft songs that promote peace, healing and enlightenment.

Public Speaker

  • MC Master of Ceremonies for various gatherings including retreats, festivals, and community events, providing meaningful experiences.

  • Will deliver inspiring speeches and presentations at your event engaging and uplifting your audience



